Shooting Off Screen Options
By Hal Wissel
Shooting Off Screen Options
Four options for cutting off a down screen, are: curl to the elbow, bump and fade to the corner, short curl to the basket, and backdoor cut.
Curl to the Elbow. When your defender trails your body and fights over the screen, a good option is to curl to the elbow to receive a pass for a catch and shoot jump shot. If the defender on the screener switches out to pressure your shot, the screener pops out to the mid-point (half way between the corner and basket) in position for a catch and shoot jump shot.
Bump and Fade to the Corner. If your defender takes a shortcut to your anticipated cut by moving behind the screener’s defender on the basket side of the screen, you should fade away from the screen. Signal this move by putting your hands on your screener’s hip before you fade (also called bump). You can also signal the fade with the key word “Bump.” Prepare to receive an overhead skip pass to the far side of the screen for a catch-and-shoot jump shot. If the screener’s defender switches out to pressure your shot, the screener cuts in for post-up or rebound position.
Short Curl to the Basket. If your defender trails your body over the top of the screen, you should curl (cut in front and completely around the screen) toward the basket to receive a pass for a baby hook shot. Signal this move by putting your arm around your screener’s body as you curl. If the screener’s defender helps slow your cut, the screener will then pop out for an open catch-and-shoot jump shot.
Backdoor Cut. If your defender tries to anticipate your move over the top of the screen before you make your cut, you should step out above the screen with your outside foot and then sharply change direction for a backdoor cut (behind the screen and toward the basket) to receive a lob or bounce pass for a layup. Signal the backdoor cut before your jab step by using a key two-syllable word such as “Eye-ball.” At the same time, provide a target for the passer with your inside hand; this hand should be pointing toward the basket for a bounce pass or pointing up in the air for a lob pass. If the screener’s defender helps on the backdoor cut, the screener will then pop out and be open for a catch-and-shoot jump shot.
Read the defense and react with the best option to create an opening for a shot. By using the correct option for cutting off a screen you create an opportunity for you or your teammate to score. This is a beautiful example of teamwork.
Shooting Off Screen Options