Pinch Post Moves: Shot Fake Crossover Drive Bank Jump Shot

Pinch Post Moves: Shot Fake Crossover Drive Bank Jump Shot By Hal Wissel Pinch Post Shot Fake Crossover Drive Bank Jump Shot This drill gives you practice making a crossover drive bank jump shot from the pinch post. Start at the block on the lane and toss the ball to...

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Pinch Post Moves: Shot Fake Crossover Drive

Pinch Post Moves: Shot Fake Crossover Drive By Hal Wissel Pinch Post Crossover Drive  This drill gives you practice making a crossover drive from the pinch post. Start at the block on the lane and toss the ball to the pinch post (elbow). Imagine that you are closely...

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Pinch Post Moves: Crossover Drive Step-Back Jump Shot

Pinch Post Moves: Crossover Drive Step-Back Jump Shot By Hal Wissel Pinch Post Crossover Drive Step-Back Jump Shot      This drill gives you practice making a crossover drive bank jump shot from the pinch post. Start at the block on the lane and toss the ball to the...

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30 Sec. Workout Drill: Two Player Tandem Passing

Developing Good Hands  30 Sec. Workout Drill: Two Player Tandem Passing By Hal Wissel      This challenging, competitive, and fun drill is performed with a partner. The objective is to develop accuracy and confidence in chest passing while also developing quickness...

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Dribble Warm-up Drill

Dribble Warm-up Drill By Hal Wissel       Dribble the ball using your strong and weak hand. Keep your guard (non-dribbling) hand up to protect your dribble. Maintain your balance with your head over your waist, and back straight. Keep your head up. Dribble the ball...

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Two Ball Dribble Drill

Two Ball Dribble Drill By Hal Wissel       Dribbling two balls is fun and will help you develop dribbling ability and confidence with each hand. If a ball gets away, keep dribbling with the other while you recover the stray ball.This drill has six parts: dribble...

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Moving Two Ball Dribble Drill

Moving Two Ball Dribble Drill By Hal Wissel  After dribbling two balls in a stationary position, you can now move on to the greater challenge of dribbling two balls while moving. The moving two ball dribble will help you improve your weak- and strong-hand dribbling...

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Dribble Cones Drill

Dribble Cones Drill By Hal Wissel  Set up five cones: one at the baseline, one halfway between the baseline and half-court, one at half-court, one halfway between half-court and the opposite baseline, and one at the opposite baseline. The drill has three parts:...

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Free Throw Shooting Drill: Eyes Open – Eyes Closed

Free Throw Shooting Drill: Eyes Open - Eyes Closed By Hal Wissel       Research has shown that a combination of free-throw practice with eyes closed and free-throw practice with eyes open improves shooting more than free-throw practice with eyes open alone. Shooting...

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Post Drills: One-on-One Half and Full Circle

Post Drills: One-on-One Half and Full Circle By Hal Wissel Post Drill: One-on-One Half Circle This competitive drill helps you develop the ability to read the defender and use fakes, pivots, and various lowpost moves to score or draw a foul. It also develops your...

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Post Drills: One vs. Two Read and React Drill

One vs. Two Read and React Drill By Hal Wissel          This is a good drill to develop good hands, and to also read the defense before scoring in the lane area. Three players and and a coach take part in this drill. One player starts in the middle in a balanced...

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Low Post One Dribble Counter Moves

Low Post: One Dribble Counter Moves By Hal Wissel When making a low post drop step to the middle or front turn and crossover to the middle and your defender anticipates your move to shoot a hook shot and jumps in your path, you can counter using one of the following...

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